Wednesday, November 28

West Australian Wild Flowers


Green Mulla Mulla

Pink Mulla Mulla

Bush daisies

Grass Tree Flower Spike

Grass Tree Flower Spike closeup

Monday, November 12

Country Pics

A familiar sight on Australian farms

This one is a little worse for wear
Another common country edifice,
now gaining popularity in Autralian suburbs

This sign stood in the drum for months
before the Shire finally dug a hole for it
This tree trunk has been standing for years,
and is still standing despite road works going on all around it

Friday, November 2

Random Pics

I guess this sign is for people who have trouble seeing trees!

Some spindly twigs

"Tumbleweed"  from Lancelin beach

I tend to notice weird stuff with numbers -
hence this photo of my odometer
The metal dump on Indian Ocean Drive,
while it was still being made.  (The road, not the dump).