Wednesday, January 30

West Australian Wildflowers
Showy Driandra

Yellow Leschenaultia
Spider Orchid

Monday, December 24

Merry Christmas everyone

I don't think that's the real Santa!

Wednesday, November 28

West Australian Wild Flowers


Green Mulla Mulla

Pink Mulla Mulla

Bush daisies

Grass Tree Flower Spike

Grass Tree Flower Spike closeup

Monday, November 12

Country Pics

A familiar sight on Australian farms

This one is a little worse for wear
Another common country edifice,
now gaining popularity in Autralian suburbs

This sign stood in the drum for months
before the Shire finally dug a hole for it
This tree trunk has been standing for years,
and is still standing despite road works going on all around it

Friday, November 2

Random Pics

I guess this sign is for people who have trouble seeing trees!

Some spindly twigs

"Tumbleweed"  from Lancelin beach

I tend to notice weird stuff with numbers -
hence this photo of my odometer
The metal dump on Indian Ocean Drive,
while it was still being made.  (The road, not the dump).

Friday, October 19


Checking out the flowers

Looks like some other critter got to the flower first
Parrot bush flowers

Drinking time

Does fig juice make bees drunk?

Friday, September 28



Riding with the boss

I know it's in there somewhere

Nap Time
